
confirmation St. John the Evangelist Honesdale


The Sacrament of Confirmation is the fulfillment of the person’s initiation into the Church.  Catholic teaching about this Sacrament is found here.  In our parish, Confirmation is celebrated with students who are in eighth grade or above, who are at least twelve years of age, who have attended religious education classes throughout the elementary grades, and who have participated in a special program in preparation for Confirmation. The bishops of the Diocese of Scranton celebrate Confirmation every year at our parish, usually in the spring.

Confirmation St. John the Evangelist Honesdale

For those wishing to be sponsors for Confirmation, please refer to this sponsor form.

Confirmation St. John the Evangelist Honesdale

For adults who have never received the Sacrament of Confirmation, our parish holds a special adult education program each year in conjunction with the RCIA program.