Anointing of the Sick

Anointing of the Sick St. John the Evangelist HonesdaleThis Sacrament is administered to provide healing, both physically and spiritually, to those who are seriously ill, chronically ill, or advanced in age.  The Sacrament is not just administered only to the dying – for a further understanding click here.  Terms such as “extreme unction” and “last rites” are generally outdated and no longer used after Vatican II, although Anointing is administered to the dying along with Confession and Holy Communion.  Family members and members of our Christian community are called on to encourage and sustain all sick persons.  Our parishes all have prayer books in the back of the churches where a person may request prayers for the sick.  Occasionally our parish offers the Sacrament of the Sick in conjunction with Mass or another devotion, especially the Padre Pio devotion.

If you or a loved one would like to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, please call one of our priests through the parish office at 570-253-4561.  Our answering service will contact a priest for emergency calls after office hours.  Note that the priests and office staff do not always know whether a person is in the hospital because of confidentiality laws – therefore please call.